Before pitching a book, a writer should be prepared to answer the question:
Who is your audience?
For most of us newbie authors, that is one tough question. Most of our time has usually been spent on just trying to write a flippin' book and when we suddenly find ourselves in the position that was once reserved for publicists, we are usually caught off guard.
Personally, I have a distinct picture in my head of what my (hoped-for) readers probably look like. They resemble the three kindred spirits (pictured below) who kindly allowed me to snap their photo at the Rolling Stone concert in Washington, DC for my own selfish means. I mean blog.
(Yes, I am quick to recognize other "Some Girlz" when I see them!)

I loved the way these fangirls coordinated their look to match the stage!
Well played ladies; well played!

Not only do I know what my audience looks like, I even know where to find them! They have been spotted in stadiums at Rolling Stone concerts all across the globe for the past few years!
Now if only I could find an agent that could arrange for me to set up a book kiosk at one of the Stones' concerts. (Sigh.) It would be a bookseller's (and this writer's) dream-come-true. Not to mention . . .
I'd be at a Rolling Stone concert!