Best Friends. I'm a big Fan of both the concept and the application.
I'm really blessed because I've had the same BFF since 1971. That would be my co-Some Girl (and former Mick Taylor of the Rolling Stones lookalike), Sheila.
We don't live close to each other, which kinda sucks, but we make up for it with phone calls that last a minimum of 2 hours but, on average, clock in around 5.5 hours. We also try to get together at least once or twice a year for some type of small adventure (like chasing the Rolling Stones if they happen to be on tour).
It may be for the best that we live many states apart. I'm not sure our families could endure it if the two of us were in close proximity for extended periods of time. Nevertheless, we still share daydreams about opening some kind of cool store together or co-running a creative company and/or ministry side by side. Hopefully one day, when we are old and gray, we will find ourselves sharing a white picket fence (bordering our two beautiful homes surrounded by a bucolic setting). Then we'll have something we can lean against for long chats (of approximately 5.5 hours).
And, of course, the two of us still FANtasize about finding ourselves in our dream scenario of hanging out with the Rolling Stones and Liza Minnelli (and Jesus)—holding them as a captive audience while we regale them with our tall, but true, tales of Fandom. We comfort ourselves in the knowledge that at least the latter option is actually attainable in the afterlife . . . If you believe.
All that being said about my BFF Sheila, I really regard my husband to be my true best friend. He is my sunshine.
That makes Sheila my "moonshine" because we have spent so many years chasing the stars (and rock stars) together.
Here's to
One of life's best investments!

PS: Thinking of and remembering our other BFF and co-Some Girl,
Johannah Cantrell.

We lost Jo in 2007 . . .
But she still shows up in all our funny stories.
And sometimes in our dreams at night.

Dear Jo,
"We carry your heart!"